Market Insights

Copper's Friday Analysis - 07 Sept 2018

Looking back at some of this week’s biggest news, including price analyses for BTC, ETH, and XRP



Highlighting what went right, and what went wrong, in this week’s crypto news analysis.

What a roller coaster the markets have been on this week, and quite a dramatic shift from the optimism last week ended on. Though, for crypto-enthusiasts who’ve been at this a while, it’s not exactly earth shattering news to learn there has been some BTC price volatility. 

On the plus side, there have been many positive moves in the world of regulators. We’ve published our monthly update of all the biggest developments you need to be aware of. This month that tops out at 75!  While some prominent jurisdictions lag behind, there is plenty to forward to in this space. Much of the work being done now sets the stage for a very productive 2019.

Below we have our weekly roundup of industry and coin specific news. If you’d like to get in touch with us about any of our products or services, we look forward to hearing from you. Just send us a note.

Latest Industry News

More Regs than you can shake a stick at

  • Despite summer holidays, it’s been a busy month for financial regulators
  • We roundup 75 developments you need to be aware of

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Goldman postpones BTC trading desk

  • Rumours were rife that Goldman was weeks away from opening their BTC trading desk
  • While not completely shelved, they say it's no longer a high priority

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Kraken denies office closures

  • Popular SanFran-based exchange has denied layoffs and a pending office closure in Canada
  • For institutional investors this highlights the importance of exchange solvency to protect customer assets

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Latest Coin News



  • Price analysis
  • BTC
  • by the end of 2018? Quite bullish
  • Then again, after the Wed/Thurs slide,



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