Market Insights

Copper's Weekly Update - 01 July 2019

Looking back at last week’s biggest news, including price analyses for BTC, ETH, and XRP.



Highlighting what went right, and what went wrong, in this week’s crypto news analysis.

All eyes are either on the market or the G20 as BTC volatility hits the headlines for the first time in 2019. Some will say this is it, the institutions are coming, some will say they’ve been here all along, and some will say it’s just another bubble. But there are some fundamental differences to this rally. Notably, facebook’s got cards on the table with Libra (even if you begrudgingly admit Libra is/isn’t crypto), JPM and Goldman are openly discussing their blockchain strategies, and some prominent regulators are rolling out useful frameworks for regulation. Without wanting to count one's chickens before they hatch, it’s all looking rather promising.

On a more local note, we became aware last week that some of our customers were being targeted with phishing emails, purportedly from Copper staff. We are taking measures to investigate the source of these spoof domains. The Copper Platform, and all of our products, remain totally secure.

If you’d like to get in touch with us about any of our products or services, we look forward to hearing from you. Just send us a note.

Latest Industry News

Bitmex hits $1 trillion

  • The BTC rally, which started April 2nd and ended last week, drove prices to more than $13k, blindsiding many traders and causing masses of liquidations
  • Daily trading at the start of 2019 sat around the $1b mark, however, the surge brought 24hr volume to more than $5b, and over $1 trillion for the year

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Goldman Sachs could be next stable coin

  • In and interview with French news Les Echos, Goldman CEO says they are “absolutely” looking at digital currencies
  • He believes that blockchain based digital currencies, pegged to fiat currencies are the future of payments

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G20 must adopt crypto framework

  • The chief exec of the deVere Group has called on lawmakers in the G20 to take decisive steps towards a multilateral cryptocurrency regulatory framework
  • Goading leaders and financial ministers, Green asked, “do they seriously think that traditional, fiat currencies are the way forward?”

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Latest Coin News


  • Price analysis
  • Weekend price drops more than 10%, but still
  • on the year
  • SEC opens
  • on new Bitcoin ETF application



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