Market Insights

Copper's Weekly Update - 03 June 2019

Looking back at last week’s biggest news, including price analyses for BTC, ETH, and XRP.



Highlighting what went right, and what went wrong, in this week’s crypto news analysis.

May was a bumper month for crypto, with Bitcoin jumping over 3k, and Bitcoin SV making what many would call a surprise appearance at the table. The articles we’ve chosen to share this morning highlight the full spectrum of what’s going on in crypto, from the very basics of what it is, to the most recent legal ramifications, and speculation on whether it’s the retail market or institutions who will push decentralisation over the finish line.

Later today we’ll publish our monthly Regulator Roundup. It’s been an especially productive month in the US, with the SEC, CFTC, and many state bodies putting in the long hours trying to determine the best path forward.

If you’d like to get in touch with us about any of our products or services, we look forward to hearing from you. Just send us a note.

Latest Industry News

Are IEOs really the future?

  • Many would argue that IEOs are just ICOs by a different name, which would partly explain the 97% drop in ICO funding last year
  • But others suggest they’re the first stepping stone to STOs because they introduce an intermediary into token issuance

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What to call a fund to defend crypto?

  • The Canadian messaging app has launched the Defend Crypto crowdfunding appeal to raise money for their defence against the SEC
  • So far just over $5mn has been raised to battle the regulator over whether the KIN token is a currency or security

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The relationship between retail and institutions

  • In something of a chicken v egg debate, Noelle Acheson of Coindesk looks at what’s truly holding back the wave of institutions in crypto
  • Spoiler alert, it’s not regulators or infrastructure, it’s a lack of more retail interest. Though this may itself be hampered by the lack fo institutions…

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Latest Coin News


  • Price analysis
  • SV gained over 250% in May, making it the month’s
  • Bitcoin Blender
  • , stranding some user’s coins in the process



  • Price analysis
  • Former
  • departs for Ripple
  • MoneyTap will trial a
  • using XRP in Japan

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