Market Insights

Copper's Weekly Update - 14 January 2019

Looking back at last week’s biggest news, including price analyses for BTC, ETH, and XRP.



Highlighting what went right, and what went wrong, in this week’s crypto news analysis.

It may seem like the market is in a downward spiral following last week’s drops, but there is actually much to be positive about.

For one, the Bank of England, despite being bearish on crypto, is still very engaged with the community, and is a very active member of the UK’s crypto task force. And Japan’s FSA regulator has been busy processing the lengthy applications of 21 exchanges, with final decisions due in two months. Plus, Tim Draper is still bullish on Bitcoin, despite being once bitten by Mt Gox.

Below we have our weekly roundup of industry and coin specific news. If you’d like to get in touch with us about any of our products or services, we look forward to hearing from you. Just send us a note.

Latest Industry News

Bearish BoE

  • Governor of the Bank of England has reiterated his position that he is sceptical of existing cryptocurrencies as a form of money
  • The bank is, however, investigating DLT for cross-border remittances and is open to the concept of a CBDC

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Is there a market for security tokens?

  • The benefits are clear, and the technology is becoming a reality, but is there enough liquidity to support the concept?
  • Will settlement be an issue, given STOs will only be available to accredited investors in the short term, requiring a big shift to legacy procedures?

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Japan's FSA could issue licences in two months

  • At least 7 exchanges who have applied to the FSA for a licence have proceeded through the initial 4 month phase of Q&A with the regulator
  • 21 had originally applied, but not all have made it through to the final decision phase, which will take up to two months

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Latest Coin News


  • Price analysis
  • Long-inactive BTC wallets have started to make moves, and could
  • Bitmain halts Texas operations and
  • by two thirds


  • Price analysis
  • Scams arise from confusion over Ethereum
  • Ethereum’s days as go-to
  • provider could be numbered


  • Price analysis
  • Ripple aims to disrupt
  • , but needs to clarify relation with XRP
  • Ripple CEO says banks are about to start using
  • (XRP) in a big way


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