Market Insights

Copper's Weekly Update - 18 November 2019

Looking back at last week’s biggest news, including price analyses for BTC, ETH, and XRP.



Last week there was a big focus on institutional investors in the crypto space, perhaps owing to the two biggest conferences dedicated to their interests taking place in New York. Both DAS:Markets and Consensus Invest held one day events with keynotes and panels from industry leaders, regulators, and traditional finance incumbents. Needless to say, the Copper team were at the heart of it all.

Below is our weekly roundup of industry and coin specific news. If you’d like to get in touch with us about any of our products or services, we look forward to hearing from you. Just send us a note.

Latest Industry News

Crypto derivatives: a corner of the market or the market itself?

  • The crypto futures market really took off in 2018. Volumes increased by a factor of ten compared to 2017 levels – a year widely seen as the peak of the crypto market
  • Bitcoin futures and other perpetual swap instruments are now trading, 10x more volume than the underlying BTC spot market, according to data compiled by Skew and Bitwise

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JPM automates derivatives margin payments

  • The current process requires collateral custodians to manually coordinate multiple systems and report
  • According to the announcement, the new platform automates margining and collateral flows and allows users to see the flow of assets between JPM and the clearinghouses

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a16z, Paradigm back Compound's $25M Series A

  • Compound is hoping to partner with companies such as exchanges, brokers and custodians to help expand their business lines into lending
  • Instead of developing a lending unit from scratch, [partners] can use and improve on Compound's protocol to suit their own needs

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Latest Coin News


  • Price analysis
  • secretly builds multi-million dollar
  • BCH
  • completed as first invalid block detected


  • Price analysis
  • What the CFTC Chairman actually said about
  • and Ethereum 2.0
  • What is the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (
  • )?


  • Price analysis
  • SBI Ripple Asia launches
  • between Japan and Vietnam
  • Three
  • you should follow

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