Market Insights

Copper's Weekly Update - 24 June 2019

Looking back at last week’s biggest news, including price analyses for BTC, ETH, and XRP.



Highlighting what went right, and what went wrong, in this week’s crypto news analysis.

Last week was a big week for the crypto-community. Ignoring Zuck Bucks for a moment, BTC broke through its 12 month high, soaring passed $10,000 with no view to stopping. Bitmain is aiming for an IPO again (this time in the US). And The Bank of England is getting behind DLT for instant settlement.

Now turning our attention to Libra, which has been received with a mix of excitement, skepticism (from believers in cryptocurrency), and downright opposition (mostly from regulators and central governments).

If you’d like to get in touch with us about any of our products or services, we look forward to hearing from you. Just send us a note.

Latest Industry News

Copper meet Pomp, Pomp - Copper

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  • Dmitry and Pomp discuss buy-side problems, what is actually needed for financial infrastructure, and how custody and prime services are evolving for digital assets

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What you missed at HFM Breakfast

  • Copper recently hosted a briefing for HFM Week, alongside AiX Trade, Simmons & Simmons, and Cambrial Capital
  • Topics ranged from the current state of UK regulation, infrastructure development, and what makes up the institutional interest in Bitcoin

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  • It’s unavoidable, not least because they will have 2.6 billion users on day 1 of Libra actively trading
  • But is that a good thing? Will there be benefits to the actual (decentralised) crypto community? And why do regulators hate it so much?

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Feeling bullish? Here are 4 reasons to stoke your BTC fire

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  • A friendly fork may be coming for Ethereum,


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  • to use xRapid
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